Signs of Democracy Canvass

One Campaign 1042 Griswold, Port Huron, MI, United States

Join us as we knock on doors to get out the vote. It's essential that we motivate voters to get to cast their ballots for democracy. The county Democratic party will gather in the afternoon to engage with voters and get our message out about preserving democracy and protecting freedoms for voters. The One Campaign […]

Blue Water Wave Canvass with the St. Clair County Democratic Committee

One Campaign 1042 Griswold, Port Huron, MI, United States

Sunday – October 27 th – Start Times: 9:00AM, Noon, 3:00PM, 6:00PM Registration link: Join fellow St. Clair County Democrat Committee members for canvassing. We need volunteer canvassers and drivers for canvassers. Priority neighborhoods for this canvass include Marysville, Pt. Huron Township and Port Huron. You will be teamed up with others to Canvass or […]

Meet Congresswoman Haley Stevens in Port Huron!

One Campaign 1042 Griswold, Port Huron, MI, United States

The St. Clair County Dems and One Campaign are proud to welcome Congresswoman Haley Stevens to our Port Huron office. Well-known for her work to save Michigan's auto industry as an Obama appointee, Rep. Stevens has been a key leader advocating for workers and families. Join us as Congresswoman Stevens launches our Sunday afternoon "Canvass […]

Meet and Greet and Salute to Service With Elissa Slotkin

Please join us to greet Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin and Senator Debbie Stabenow in Port Huron. They will be here on Thursday and look forward to spending an hour with those who come out to welcome them. So let's show them our enthusiasm and support. To attend, please follow the link and sign up: The […]

Knock Knock

One Campaign 1042 Griswold, Port Huron, MI, United States

Come join us for canvasses. It's GOTV (Get out the Vote). We are stopping by doors where Democrats live and asking them to vote early (by Sunday evening). If not early, then on Tuesday. When we vote, we win. So let's knock on doors and get everyone out to vote. Sign up here:  

Election Watch Party

Blue Water Labor Temple 2441 West Water, Port Huron, United States

The St. Clair County Democratic Party is hosting a watch party at the Bluewater Labor Temple on November 5. We will be starting after the polls close. Bring a dish to pass so we can snack while we watch the results roll in. If you plan to join us for the watch party, please rsvp […]

November Membership Meeting

Blue Water Labor Temple 2441 West Water, Port Huron, United States

We are having our monthly meeting on November 11. We know it's Veterans Day. So let's recognize our veterans as we work towards getting ready for the next election cycle. We will need to plan our county convention for electing officers. We will also debrief after the election. And we need to do some planning […]

County Convention

Join us for our Zoom meeting for the upcoming county convention. The coordinates for the Zoom meeting should be in an email. If you haven't received it, contact us at    

December Membership Meeting and Holiday Party

Blue Water Labor Temple 2441 West Water, Port Huron, United States

We know no one feels like celebrating. However, we should celebrate the wins we did get. The Democrats who didwin in MI and nationwide worked so hard for their wins esp this year. Let's put all that frustration and disappointment into workinghard for the coming elections and supporting our winning candidates. We will have Yummy […]

County Convention

Join us tonight for the county convention as we prepare for the statewide convention on February 22. Only members of the MDP the last 30 days can participate and vote. If you want to verify membership, we will be able do so at the beginning of the meeting. If you have other questions, please contact […]

February Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting. We will be discussing the upcoming convention, volunteers for the CD 9 District Committee, committee description, technology, our office, and planning for 2025 and 2026. We have a full agenda. Here is the Zoom link for this evening: Saint Clair County Democratic Party is inviting you to a scheduled […]

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